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Version: v2.0_alpha

Deployed MACI Smart Contracts

There are a number of MACI's smart contracts which can be re-used by different deployments. These are the following:

VkRegistries can be re-used by different protocols to share the same set of verifying keys. Please be advised that you should be verifying that those verifying keys are the ones that have undergone a trusted setup ceremony.

In order to verify you will need the following:

  • configure the cli (cd packages/cli && cp .env.example .env and set the correct env vars)
  • download the keys (pnpm download-zkeys:ceremony from the monorepo root)
  • run checkVerifyingKeys with the cli (see below)
cd packages/cli && node build/ts/index.js checkVerifyingKeys -q false -vk 0x74569d524a193daC0D3Df17B9E207C916174745b -s 6 -i 2 -m 9 -v 3 -b 2 -p ./zkeys/ProcessMessages_6-9-2-3/processMessages_6-9-2-3.zkey -t ./zkeys/TallyVotes_6-2-3/tallyVotes_6-2-3.zkey

You should change the -vk parameter to the VkRegistry address for the chain you are deploying to. Also you might need to modify the parameters based on the circuit configuration. Please refer to the circuits page for more information. Also you can add -uq false if you want to check non quadratic voting keys.

Contract Addresses

VkRegistry0x74569d524a193daC0D3Df17B9E207C916174745bArbitrum Mainnet
PoseidonT30xc8640cD00E00192949386E5be0c0b46C29CE8991Arbitrum Mainnet
PoseidonT40x4f02c99df5731C8C69f6baa62Aa4C9f99C529CE2Arbitrum Mainnet
PoseidonT50x89d4597b619598E3fe1Bf3E9b94e22ab8f931AdAArbitrum Mainnet
PoseidonT60xabf4B6395146719e8daCce6dd5f604993C7649E0Arbitrum Mainnet